Work Standardisation in Logistics Processes

Martina Džubáková (1), Michal Kopták (2)
(1) University of Economics in Bratislava Faculty of Business Management Department of Production Management and Logistics Function, Slovakia,
(2) University of Economics in Bratislava Faculty of Business Management Department of Production Management and Logistics Function, Slovakia


Purpose: The article presents a concept of synergy between MTM (Methods Time Measurement) and TWI (Training within the Industry) methods through a case study conducted on elementary logistics processes. MTM brings optimisation into logistics operations and creates quality and efficiency standards. TWI provides the means of application of these standards at work to drive improvement.

Methodology/Approach: To show a prospective viability/added value of the MTM and TWI combination, we present a case study involving simple logistics processes. We use the MTM as a standardisation method and the TWI as a variability control and process improvement concept.

Findings: The MTM times generally determined as an external regulation, may not reflect the level of skills of workers in a specific company and often create a barrier to internal improvement. The concept of work standardisation based on the MTM method synergised with the TWI creates a dynamic improving system.

Research Limitation/implication: Individual variations in the processes need to be accounted for and the terminology of current optimisation method and improvement concept need to be adapted accordingly in the present analysis. The methods of MTM and TWI employed in our study now slowly penetrate the logistics processes.

Originality/Value of paper: The paper introduces a new approach to the methodology of internal logistics improvement. The MTM work standards increase the stability and productivity in logistics. However, they often hinder the change by allowing for only low degree of flexibility. Combining them with the concept of TWI, we can enhance quality and foster the human potential to change.

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Martina Džubáková (Primary Contact)
Michal Kopták
Džubáková, M., & Kopták, M. (2017). Work Standardisation in Logistics Processes. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 21(2), 109–123.

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