Developing a Quality 4.0 Maturity Index for Improved Business Operational Efficiency and Performance
Purpose: Technological advances and increased environmental turbulence require a transition in quality management. The study aimed at developing a Quality 4.0 maturity index for improved business operational efficiency and performance.
Methodology/Approach: This conceptual paper introduces a theoretical business evaluative model that allows an integrated analysis of technology-driven, quality management dimensions. The model is based on theoretical and empirical information and describes Quality 4.0 business analysis by a theoretical central business dimensional concept, formal statistical analytical methods and uses these data to assign a maturity index score to the business.
Findings: The study builds the Quality 4.0 maturity index following the analysis of seven continuous quality improvement dimensions. The maturity of these dimensions in the business is assessed with a five-point maturity level. The effectiveness of the index should be confirmed with fit as covariation and a composite score for the level of Quality 4.0 maturity.
Research Limitation/Implication: The research is based on theory and has not been validated with empirical data. It is recommended that a validation study be conducted based on the approach and guidelines provided in the paper.
Originality/Value of paper: The study helped develop a theoretical aspect of total quality management during an era of the fourth industrial revolution. It also aimed at practically benefiting a business by focussing on improved business capacity and capability to mitigate the environmental turbulence associated with pandemics. The paper provides novel work, as it describes one of the first Quality 4.0 maturity index models that may be used to improve business.
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