Failure Analysis in Development & Manufacture for Customer

Darina Juhaszova


Purpose of the article is to present partial results of research solutions in the doctoral thesis Risk Management of customer driven projects. Background is the data from the organization Johnson Controls Inc., s.r.o. – OZ Trencin, presented as a case study. The overall aim is to identify and reduce project risks which are considered as decisive steps in managing successful projects. The principle is based on mapping current literature on risk management as many of problems that currently exist with respect to various projects such as delay, framework changes and even cancellation or revocation of the project may be due to inefficient risk management. The solution is the FMEA method. In order to use this type of risk analysis, the values of severity, occurrence and detection are standard values of FMEA slightly modified according to the guidelines of the organization. The result is presented as a case study in the final section of the article.


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Darina Juhaszova (Primary Contact)
Juhaszova, D. (2013). Failure Analysis in Development & Manufacture for Customer. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 17(2), 89–102.
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