Effects of Systematic Changes in Commodity Arrangement on the Satisfaction of Supermarket Customers

Josef Tošenovský (1), Filip Tošenovský (2), Ivana Dočkalová (3)
(1) VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, Czechia,
(2) VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, Czechia,
(3) VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, Czechia


Purpose: The paper investigates if relocation of goods at supermarkets, practised to boost sales, bothers customers and improves financial results of the stores. To explore this, a questionnaire-based poll was run, using questions, such as “Do you mind if commodity is not permanently in the same place?”, or “While searching, do you buy anything you did not indend to buy?”. Various relations are also observed. For instance, are opinions on product relocation related in any way to age of customers? The study suggests most customers are not satisfied with changes in product location, yet the practices lead to higher sales. It turns out the business principle – only satisfied customers spend more – may not be so true. In the study, some new questions also arose and were evaluated, such as the question “Which management activities have a positive effect on customers?”.       

Methodology/Approach: The paper relies on statistical testing, specifically on the chi-square test of independence and a test of differences in the relative frequency of occurrence of diverse phenomena. Real, empirical data are utilized.

Findings: The analysis showed that most customers dislike looking for goods, and many of them buy items that they did not intend to purchase. Thus, a paradox occurs when entrepreneurs dissatisfy customers, yet they register higher profits.

Research Limitation/Implication: The results concern a specific scientific field – microeconomic behavioural patterns at supermarkets.

Originality/Value of paper: The research presented in this paper is focused on the Czech Republic where it has not been undertaken to date. Work of this kind is not cited in the scientific literature, however.

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Josef Tošenovský
josefnewmail@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Filip Tošenovský
Ivana Dočkalová
Tošenovský, J., Tošenovský, F., & Dočkalová , I. . (2021). Effects of Systematic Changes in Commodity Arrangement on the Satisfaction of Supermarket Customers. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 25(1), 16–32. https://doi.org/10.12776/qip.v25i1.1497

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