Possibilities of Using Graphical and Numerical Tools in the Exposition of Process Capability Assessment Techniques

Josef Tošenovský (1), Filip Tošenovský (2)
(1) VŠB TU Ostrava, Czechia,
(2) VSB TU Ostrava, Czechia


Purpose: The paper focuses on how the problem of process capability assessment can be handled when taught, using convenient numerical and graphical means. The contents of the paper results from the authors’ own academic and practical experience, which suggested that many important steps are overlooked in the process of selecting and using capability indices.

Methodology/Approach: Selected problems in capability assessment are illustrated with suitable examples and graphs.

Findings: The authors’ experience is reflected in the paper, aiming to emphasize what matters and how, and what does not. Also, a new capability index is introduced.

Research Limitation/implication: The style in which the problems are analysed may serve as a guide for further studies in the field and capability index applications.

Originality/Value of paper: The paper also contains, aside from specific examples, some more advanced techniques, and is therefore accompanied by software readouts, since computer support is required in such cases.

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Josef Tošenovský
Filip Tošenovský
filip.tosenovsky@vsb.cz (Primary Contact)
Author Biographies

Josef Tošenovský, VŠB TU Ostrava

Department of Quality Management

Filip Tošenovský, VSB TU Ostrava

Department of Quality Management
Tošenovský, J., & Tošenovský, F. (2019). Possibilities of Using Graphical and Numerical Tools in the Exposition of Process Capability Assessment Techniques. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 23(2), 13–33. https://doi.org/10.12776/qip.v23i2.1219

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