Multi-Criteria Decision Matrix Approach for Suppliers Evaluation in Micro and Small Organisations

Maria Madoranova (1), Matus Horvath (2)
(1) Technical University of Košice, Slovakia, Slovakia,
(2) Technical University of Košice, Slovakia


The purpose of this paper is to present an approach for supplier evaluation based on Multi-Criteria Decision Matrix adopted for specific requirements of micro and small sized organizations. Quality management system and its supply chain management are based on maintaining long-term partnerships with suppliers with a focus on their reliability. The paper contains a case study of the presented approach application in a small sized organization and a description of the software tool for supporting the process of supplier evaluation in organisations. Presented case study validated used approach in real conditions of a small sized organisation. Based on experience from the application of the approach, possible extensions of the approach for more accurate supplier evaluation are presented in the paper. Offered approach is designed for micro and small sized organization and therefore as cost and time saving. Presented approach is not suitable for larger organization or critical industries as power engineering or aviation.

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Maria Madoranova
Matus Horvath (Primary Contact)
Madoranova, M., & Horvath, M. (2013). Multi-Criteria Decision Matrix Approach for Suppliers Evaluation in Micro and Small Organisations. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 17(1), 120–126.

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