A New Conceptual Model for Excellence in Business Towards Sustainable Development
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to understand whether or not the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Model and the Shingo Model promote and are embedded into the three pillars of sustainability, as well as to propose a conceptual model for excellence in business towards sustainability.
Methodology/Approach: Following the PRISMA methodology, 102 articles were included in the review. A bibliometric co-citation network was created based on those publications to understand the link between the topics, using the VOSViewer software. This paper presents a literature review on the topics of the EFQM and Shingo Model, Corporate sustainability (CS), and the relationship between the excellence models and CS.
Findings: Findings from the literature review indicate that effectively the new version of the EFQM Model and the Shingo Model guide organisations towards achieving sustainable economic, social, and environmental results.
Research Limitation/Implication: There are still a restricted number of articles on the Shingo Model and on the relationship between the Shingo Model and CS, as well as, on the latest version of the EFQM Model and therefore on the relationship between this model version and CS, which presents a limitation to this paper.
Originality/Value of paper: This paper contributes to filling the literature gap regarding the lack of studies evolving the EFQM 2020 model version and the Shingo Model, as well as its relationship with CS.
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