The Integration of TQM and BPR

Ivana Martonová (1)
(1) Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava, Institute of Industrial Engineering, Management and Quality, Slovakia


The purpose of this article is to show the way how to integrate two strategic approaches to improving processes TQM and BPR. The process improvement is important for organizations because of the need for costs reduction, increasing their efficiency, improving the competitive position and other factors. Finally, process improvement is one requirement of ISO 9001 and ISO / TS 16949. TQM and BPR are the most popular and most used approaches for improving processes. The reason is the high benefit for organizations that have successfully implemented them. Even greater benefits can be achieved through the joint use of both approaches in an organization. This paper provides the methodology for the integration of TQM and BPR proposed by the author, based on the research of several authors and a survey in four companies, related to this topic.

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Ivana Martonová (Primary Contact)
Martonová, I. (2013). The Integration of TQM and BPR. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 17(2), 59–76.

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