A Process Towards Societal Value within a Community-Based Regional Development Project

Anna Åslund (1), Ingela Bäckström (2)
(1) Mid Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden,
(2) , Sweden


Processes, activities and tasks of a community-based area development project are described. The main process has been used three times and a model is presented. An earlier developed process map has been verified. The description of the project can help other communities to plan development projects. The illustration can be valuable for entrepreneurs who are planning a societal value initiative and for decision-makers and stakeholders who can contribute to, are concerned with, or may be affected by societal entrepreneurship. Observation, participating studies, dokumentations and an interview with the project leader has been carried out. Data have been analyzed and compared with the previously developed process map to achieve a deeper understanding of the processes within societal entrepreneurship. The purpose was to study and describe the processes of a community-based area development project and to compare it with a previously developed process map and to verify the process map.

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Åslund. A. Bäckström. I. and Wiklund. H. (2011) Soci(et)al entrepreneurship from a Quality Management perspective. Proceedings of the 56th annual ICSB world conference, Back to the future, Changes in perspectives of global entrepreneurship and innovation, June 2011, Stockholm.


Anna Åslund
anna.aslund@miun.se (Primary Contact)
Ingela Bäckström
Author Biography

Ingela Bäckström

Mid Sweden University
Åslund, A., & Bäckström, I. (2012). A Process Towards Societal Value within a Community-Based Regional Development Project. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 16(2), 71–83. https://doi.org/10.12776/qip.v16i2.70

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