Fuzzy Logic Methods to Evaluate the Quality of Life in the Regions of Ecuador

Juan Carlos Martin (1), Christian Stalin Viñán (2)
(1) Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Instituto de Turismo y Desarrollo Económico Sostenible, Spain,
(2) Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador


Purpose: The aim of this paper is to propose a methodological framework that calculates a synthetic indicator of satisfaction of citizens of the nine geographical areas of planning and development of Ecuador (zones).

Methodology/Approach: The methodology is based on fuzzy logic and the degree of similarity to ideal solutions. The information is obtained through the application of a structured survey based on the European Social Survey to the Ecuadorian society. The analysis is based on eight different dimensions of satisfaction, namely: (1) Life; (2) Economy; (3) City Government; (4) Transparency; (5) Education; (6) Health System; (7) Roads; and (8) National Government.

Findings: The results obtained help different stakeholders to have important insights about how the citizens’ quality of life and satisfaction depend to some extent on important public services that form the pillars of the social welfare, education and health system. However, our results also suggest that other areas of Ecuador can also benefit from the improvement of the policies developed by the local governments.

Research Limitation/implication: An important research limitation is based on the limited number of segment variables used in the study, the geographical zones. Thus, an important venue for future research can be envisaged including other interesting traits analyzed by other scholars, like access to the internet, the social class or the size of the city.

Originality/Value of paper: The analysis of individual satisfaction and citizens’ quality of life is paramount by the existing interdependence with social cohesion that exists nowadays in Ecuador.

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Juan Carlos Martin
oto.hudec@tuke.sk (Primary Contact)
Christian Stalin Viñán
Martin, J. C., & Viñán, C. S. (2017). Fuzzy Logic Methods to Evaluate the Quality of Life in the Regions of Ecuador. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 21(1), 61–80. https://doi.org/10.12776/qip.v21i1.780

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