Drivers for Entrepreneurship Education: Harnessing Innovation for Quality Youth Employment and Income Generation

Fernanda de Oliveira Silva (1), Maximilian Espuny (2), Ana Carolina Ferreira Costa (3), Yadirka Bolaños Anaya (4), Amanda Marcondes Faria (5), Gilberto Santos (6), Otávio José de Oliveira (7)
(1) Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), Brazil,
(2) Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Brazil,
(3) Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Brazil,
(4) Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Brazil,
(5) Centro Universitário Internacional (UNINTER), Brazil,
(6) Instituto Politécnico Cavado Ave, Portugal,
(7) São Paulo State University FEG/UNESP, Guaratinguetá - SP, Brazil


Purpose: This study proposes directions for developing Entrepreneurship Education (EE) based on innovation by identifying and grouping its driving elements. It intends to build entrepreneurial skills and capacities, enabling individuals to create and manage their businesses successfully.

Methodology/Approach: This work used the scientific method of Content Analysis to identify and analyse the EE-boosting elements in the literature.

Findings: Among this work's theoretical contributions, the theoretical articulation of EE with the Triple Helix sectors—universities, industry, and Government—stands out. These contributions support the advancement of the state of the art and the development of new research.

Research Limitation/Implication: Discuss deeper insights into EE elements and their applicability in various educational contexts.

Originality/Value of paper: The main contribution of this work was a more efficient interaction between public and private educational institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations, public agencies, and private companies, favouring innovation in the teaching-learning process and the insertion of young people into productive activities.

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Fernanda de Oliveira Silva
Maximilian Espuny
Ana Carolina Ferreira Costa
Yadirka Bolaños Anaya
Amanda Marcondes Faria
Gilberto Santos (Primary Contact)
Otávio José de Oliveira
Author Biography

Gilberto Santos, Instituto Politécnico Cavado Ave


de Oliveira Silva, F. ., Espuny, M., Ferreira Costa, A. C., Bolaños Anaya, Y., Marcondes Faria, A., Santos, G., & de Oliveira, O. J. (2024). Drivers for Entrepreneurship Education: Harnessing Innovation for Quality Youth Employment and Income Generation. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 28(1), 193–222.

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