Understanding Mobile Payment Service Continuous Use Intention: An Expectation - Confirmation Model and Inertia

Moungho Park (1), Jaehyeon Jun (2), Heejun Park (3)
(1) Ph.D Candidate, Department of Convergence Technology & Management Engineering Yonsei University, Korea, Republic of,
(2) Ph.D Candidate, Department of Industrial Engineering Yonsei University, Korea, Republic of,
(3) Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering Yonsei University, Korea, Republic of


Purpose: With significant interest in mobile payment service(MPS), the amount of research on MPS has increased. However, prior studies have focused on users’ first use adoption of MPS. Considering the length of time that has passed since MPSs were first introduced, it has become necessary to investigate usres’ continuous use intentions of MPS. Therefore, in this research, we aim to verify which factors are influensive on continuous use intention of MPS.

Methodology/Approach: To achieve purpose, we adopt the expectation-confirmation model(ECM) and inertia. Also, we arranged our research in South Korea where has well developed market of MPS. We applied structural equation model to verify the hypothesis and conducted a survey on consumer who had an experiecne with MPS before.

Findings: The findings of this study highlight that importance of perceived usefulness. In this research, percieved usefulness have a significant effect on satisfaction and continuous use intention. Also, our findings emphasize the significant effect of inertia on the continuous use intention of an MPS. These findings have somethig in common with previous researches.

Research Limitation/implication: Because young user constitutes the majority of the respondents, generalizing the finding to individuals of all ages is difficult. Further, we only colledcted sample data form MPS usres in South Korea. Consumer perceptions and therir effects on intention may differ from culture to culture. The robustness of these results may be enhanced by replicating the study across various cultures and multiple consumer age groups. Also, because the previous study which is verifying effect of ECM on MPS is scant, theoretical basis seemed not that much robust. On this study, we struggle to build relationship adapting Inforamtion System (IS) context to MPS environment. On the further study, we expect additional reseraches which are using ECM on various IS environment.

Originality/Value of paper: This paper is an early research verfiying influencial factors on continuous use intention of MPS. This attempts and research of findings enable to offer timely advice to manager of MPS. Also, we struggle to apply concept of inertia to MPS environment to reflect more actual behavior of consumers.

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Moungho Park
Jaehyeon Jun
Heejun Park
h.park@yonsei.ac.kr (Primary Contact)
Park, M., Jun, J., & Park, H. (2017). Understanding Mobile Payment Service Continuous Use Intention: An Expectation - Confirmation Model and Inertia. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 21(3), 78–94. https://doi.org/10.12776/qip.v21i3.983

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