Impact of Employees’ Attitudes and Leader’s Role on the Innovation Management Linked to Social Responsibility
Purpose: The innovation management linked to social responsibility is considered a strategy of organizational growth promoted by the creativity of employees framed in economic, ethical and legal issues. This study analyses socially responsible innovation management base on employee’s attitudes and leader’s role, from a case study of a company in the Colombian automotive sector.
Methodology/Approach: We began with the review of theories about innovation and social responsibility. Then we collected data through creative techniques, surveys to classify the leader’s role, attitudes scale, participant observation and interviews. To finally analyse data with multiple linear regression and other techniques, such as decision trees.
Findings: Finally, the initial concept of socially responsible innovation and its management is complemented by five self-determined employees’ attitudes, and one behavior and three perceptions of the leader.
Research Limitation/implication: The choice of the single case study as a research strategy determines the practical scope of the research as analytical. In this sense, the need to replicate the study and analyse the impact of other personal and organizational factors is highlighted.
Originality/Value of paper: It is important to summarise the value of our paper, in relation to the following aspects: the opportunity that represents for companies the correct socially responsible innovation management, the importance of the Enterprise–University integration and, finally, the relevance of hybrid models in this case, a multiple linear regression and decision trees.
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