The Analysis of Total Quality Management Critical Success Factors

Mirza Kulenović (1), Martin Folta (2), Ljiljan Veselinović (3)
(1) University College "CEPS - Centre for Business Studies" Kiseljak, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
(2) ŠKODA AUTO University, Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic, Czechia,
(3) University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Purpose: The primary purpose of this paper is to identify the most important factors related to the successful implementation of TQM in the literature and to compare the identified factors with the existing research.

Methodology/Approach: By conducting a systematic literature review in three main stages, this research analyzes 13 empirical papers published between 1995 and 2017. Three main stages included: formulation of the problem to be solved by the systematic literature review; definition of inclusion criteria and exclusion of articles; and article search and selection.

Findings: Analysing previous research and conducting a literature review, we identify six main critical success factors (CSF): top management leadership and commitment, customer focus, training (employees), procurement management (suppliers), information and analysis, and process management.

Research Limitation/Implication: In this paper, we focused solely on the influence of TQM practices on the financial performance of a company. As such, the non-financial performance indicators were not considered.

Originality/Value of paper: This paper adds value to the existing literature as it focuses on critical factors of TQM implementation examined in relation to the financial performance of the company and provides a good basis for understanding and developing more complex models.

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Mirza Kulenović
Martin Folta (Primary Contact)
Ljiljan Veselinović
Author Biographies

Martin Folta, ŠKODA AUTO University, Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

Department of Production, Logistics and Quality Management

Ljiljan Veselinović, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

School of Economics and Business, Department of Microeconomics

Kulenović, M., Folta, M., & Veselinović, L. (2021). The Analysis of Total Quality Management Critical Success Factors. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 25(1), 88–102.

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