Personality Attitudes Affecting Employee Learning and Development: Prerequisites of Behaviour Leading to Learning and Development

Lucie Vnoučková (1)
(1) University of Economics and Management, Czechia


Purpose: This study aims to reveal current approach and reactions of employees towards learning and development in organisations and to specify variants of behaviour as factors affecting employee development.

Methodology/Approach: The study is based on evaluation of quantitative research. The data were collected via electronic questionnaires. The sample contains 211 employees from organisations across sectors. Bivariate and multivariate statistical methods and analyses were used to lower the number of possible single approaches and practices. Analyses formed valid factors, which influence and determine employee development.

Findings: Results identified and verified different ways of reactions of respondents on organisational learning and development. Main searched areas of employee behaviour variability are motivation, affect and performance. Factors described in the presented article show the main ways which are used by employees in order to pass the learning and development process. Variability of employees’ reactions on learning and development process and its impact on performance is described using quantitative data.

Research Limitation/implication: The results may be used in praxis in organisations to manage employee behaviour in order to grow constantly and use their own potential talents and leaders. Besides this study there are several promising avenues for further research. It would be useful to know the impact on life-long development and there should be an investigation of the longer term impacts of learning in organisations.

Originality/Value of paper: Employee learning and development are truly crucial for organisational and economy development. But the process of learning and development is not constant. Variability of employee behaviour during organisational education and development is currently discussed theme, however there is a lack of studies and researches focused on this area. Therefore this paper identyfies and describes variability of emoployee behaviour during the learning and development process. Employees react in five different directions (positive, negative or neutral as resignation) and the impact on organisation is either positive or none.

Category: Case study

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Lucie Vnoučková (Primary Contact)
Author Biography

Lucie Vnoučková, University of Economics and Management

Ing. Lucie Vnoučková, Ph.D. – is Assist. Professor of management at the University of Economics and Management, Department of Management, Czech Republic. Her research interests are related to human resoirces management and development, e-mail:, ORCID:

Vnoučková, L. (2016). Personality Attitudes Affecting Employee Learning and Development: Prerequisites of Behaviour Leading to Learning and Development. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 20(2), 22–38.

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