Innovation by Increasing Ideality – A New Method for Overcoming Process Related Problems
Purpose: In production, problems that are difficult to solve could occur. When a classic problem-solving toolset is not enough, a company must accept not fully satisfying solutions or secondary problems. This paper proposes a new method called Innovation by Increasing Ideality (3I), which helps to resolve difficult problems in production.
Methodology/Approach: Based on a previous literature review a new method was designed. The method leads the solver by a set of steps that lead to a well-described problem, with many ideas or ways, where the solver should search for a satisfying solution. The method is based on TRIZ principles, but it is user-friendly even for users who are not TRIZ specialists but have only basic knowledge of TRIZ principles and its tools. The method is demonstrated in a case study, where a problem with the transportation of parts is successfully solved.
Findings: Newly proposed method, compared with the traditional way of resolving a problem, got a much better solution in a shorter time.
Research Limitation/Implication: Only one example of use. There is a need for more applications in future.
Originality/Value of paper: The paper describes a new method for overcoming difficult problems in production. The method uses TRIZ principles to innovate the process where the problem is. The presented method can serve as a new powerful tool for industrial engineers in practice.
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