TQM Framework for Healthcare Sectors: Barriers to Implementation

Mohammad Sultan Ahmad Ansari (1)
(1) Faculty of Business and Economics, Modern College of Business & Science (MCBS), Muscat, Oman, Oman


Purpose: A qualitative research was carried out with an aim of understanding and addressing the challenges of integrating TQM in the healthcare industry. It examines the existing inadequacies in the service quality, and barriers in implementation of TQM practices,

Methodology/Approach: A conceptual model is developed to explore the issues arising TQM implementation. There are three major components of TQM: such as barriers to implementation, Critical Success Factors and Benefits of TQM. Interviews with health workers and patients were conducted based on pre-structured questionnaires. Seven hypotheses were developed to investigate how TQM can be achieved irrespective of surmounting barriers.

Findings: Findings suggest TQM can be implemented in the right environment with committed leadership and supportive infrastructure, which would drive SQ, improved customers, and employees’ satisfaction and loyalty, increase profitability and shareholder values. TQM can deliver high quality medical care for overall performance of the healthcare industry.

Research Limitation/Implication: Interviews were conducted with semi-structured research questionnaires. There may be some inevitable biases present in questionnaires and evaluation of review.

Originality/Value of paper: The study benefits from insights from medical personnel and patients’ perspective, in exploring the SQ attributes, i.e., quality circle, continuous improvement, employee empowerment and customer focused approach.

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Mohammad Sultan Ahmad Ansari
mohammad.ansari2040@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Ansari, M. S. A. (2022). TQM Framework for Healthcare Sectors: Barriers to Implementation. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 26(1), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.12776/qip.v26i1.1611

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