Innovative Approaches to Management of Virtual Teams Leading to Reliability and Retention

Lucie Depoo (1), Jaroslava Hyršlová (2)
(1) University of Economics and Management, Czechia,
(2) University of Economics and Management, Czechia


Purpose: The paper focuses on identification of variables affecting management leading to reliability and retention of virtual teams.

Methodology/Approach: The data were collected globally from 323 managers working with virtual teams; members were hired and worked fully virtually with team members from different countries and time zones. Respondents were from all continents. The data were evaluated by tested by reliability tests and two and multidimensional statistics (Spearman’s correlation, principal component and factor analysis).

Findings: Empowerment and encouraging were proven as variables significantly affecting management of virtual teams’ reliability. Variables leading to employee retention are communication, performance appraisal, career plans, training and leadership/supervision to overcome barriers. Efficient management in virtual environment is significantly related to policies and career possibilities. Over 20% of managers are incompetent to work with virtual teams. The main threat leading to failure of virtual teams is burn out based on social distancing.

Research Limitation/Implication: Limitation of the study is the first approach to the virtual teams’ management only focusing on ICT employees. The findings revealed significant relations leading to virtual operations impacting employees’ performance, reliability and retention.

Originality/Value of paper: This paper provides an insight into the importance of innovative approach to virtual teams, as virtual employees may strive with low social contact and less support from organization.

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Lucie Depoo (Primary Contact)
Jaroslava Hyršlová
Author Biographies

Lucie Depoo, University of Economics and Management

University of Economics and Management


Jaroslava Hyršlová, University of Economics and Management

University of Economics and Management


Depoo, L., & Hyršlová, J. (2022). Innovative Approaches to Management of Virtual Teams Leading to Reliability and Retention. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 26(3), 37–52.

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