Setting Organisational Culture to Develop Potential and Innovativeness

Lucie Vnoučková (1), Hana Urbancová (2)
(1) University of Economics and Management Department of Management, Czechia,
(2) University of Economics and Management Department of Human Resources, Czechia


Purpose: The article aims to identify approaches influencing impact of organisational culture on development of innovation potential in organisations.

Methodology/Approach: The data were obtained by questionnaire survey in organisations operating in the Czech Republic (n = 207) that represented all sectors of Czech economy.

Findings: In today’s highly competitive environment, organisations need to focus on setting an organisational culture that will support the development of all employees’ knowledge and potential. The results have shown that the surveyed organisations are characterised by two basic approaches to setting the organisational culture for creating innovations: either an emphasis on relationships and collaboration or an emphasis on productivity.

Research Limitation/implication: The limit of the article may be seen in a relatively small sample of respondents; however, with respect to the stratified sampling the sample is representative.

Originality/Value of paper: The contribution of this paper lies in the identification and evaluation of approaches to support innovation potential based on type of organisational culture. The practical contribution lies in identification of approaches used to set efficient organisational culture and in presenting concrete results from real organisations that redesigned their culture and identified efficient variables for its design and implementation. The results are important for development of efficient approaches to organisational culture.

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Lucie Vnoučková
Hana Urbancová (Primary Contact)
Vnoučková, L., & Urbancová, H. (2020). Setting Organisational Culture to Develop Potential and Innovativeness. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 24(1), 54–68.

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