Mapping the Accidents and Unsafe Conditions of Workers in the Automotive Sector
Purpose: Their production processes involve several risks and repetitive tasks and adoption of penalizing postures, which can cause musculoskeletal disorders and occupational accidents. The objective of this paper is to elucidate the situation of Occupational Health and Safety in the automotive sector in the Agulhas Negras region and in Brazil.
Methodology/Approach: For this bibliographic research was carried out to characterize and define the processes and concepts pertinent to the economic activities of the sector; collect and treat the most frequently registered data and elaborate a comparative study for better visualization of the scenarios.
Findings: The result was the identification of different behaviours of the curves, which showed the national scenario being linear and constant, while the regional one proved to be unstable, with many variations over the years.
Research Limitation/Implication: The research was developed in a region of the State of Rio de Janeiro, and it is recommended to conduct a global survey.
Originality/Value of paper: The analysis of the characteristics of occupational accidents, with the most frequent type of injury, the most affected body parts, the groups of causative agents, and the most notified occupations in accidents.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Carolina Pereira da Silva, Virgínia Duarte Pasini, Maria Victoria Cabrera Aguilera, Bernardo Bastos da Fonseca , Nilo Antonio de Souza Sampaio, José Salvador da Motta Reis , Gilberto Santos, Luis Cesar Ferreira Motta Barbosa

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