A mathematical model for process cycle time - theory and case study

Filip Tošenovský (1)
(1) The School of Business Administration in Karviná, Silesian University, Czechia


The article focuses on derivation of a regression model which describes dependence of process cycle time on relevant factors entering the process. The analyzed processes are typical in that the coefficient of variation of times corresponding to a given level of influential factors remains stable if the level of the factors change. The derived model is subsequently applied to real industrial data which show that such a model is suitable for the description of relations. The paper has been published with support of Slovak Ministry of Education project KEGA 3/6411/08 „Transformation of the already existing study programme Management of production quality to an university-wide bilingual study programme“.

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Filip Tošenovský
tosenovskyfilip@opf.slu.cz (Primary Contact)
Tošenovský, F. (2011). A mathematical model for process cycle time - theory and case study. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 14(1-2), 64–71. https://doi.org/10.12776/qip.v14i1-2.27

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