Success Factors for Quality and Safety of Intensive Care Unit Transitional Care – Listening to the Sharp End

Marie Häggström (1), Pernilla Ingelsson (2), Lilly-Mari Sten (3), Ingela Bäckström (4)
(1) Mid Sweden University, Sweden,
(2) Mid Sweden University, Sweden,
(3) Mid Sweden University, Sweden,
(4) Mid Sweden University, Sweden


Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to present success factors for increasing quality and safety of intensive care unit (ICU) transitional care as described by co-workers at the sharp end using the core values of total quality management (TQM) as a theoretical lens.

Methodology/Approach: The study had a qualitative design, with data from nine interdisciplinary focus group discussions, including co-workers from the intensive care and general wards. Data were sorted into TQM core values and analysed using qualitative content analysis.

Findings: Quality and safety in transfer processes requires a holistic view, avoiding silos, shared arenas for collaboration, and evidence-based methodologies and tools for safe transfers.

Research Limitation/Implication: A limitation of this study is that it only portrays the challenges encountered by two hospitals during the process of transitional care in the ICU.

Originality/Value of paper: By using TQM core values as a theoretical lens, we could present a usable, holistic picture of success factors and how to improve the transfer process.

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Marie Häggström
Pernilla Ingelsson (Primary Contact)
Lilly-Mari Sten
Ingela Bäckström
Author Biographies

Marie Häggström, Mid Sweden University

Department of Nursing Sciences

Mid Sweden University



Pernilla Ingelsson, Mid Sweden University

Department of Quality Technology and Management

Mid Sweden University



Lilly-Mari Sten, Mid Sweden University

Department of Quality Technology and Management

Mid Sweden University



Ingela Bäckström, Mid Sweden University

Department of Quality Technology and Management

Mid Sweden University



Häggström, M. ., Ingelsson, P., Sten, L.-M., & Bäckström, I. (2023). Success Factors for Quality and Safety of Intensive Care Unit Transitional Care – Listening to the Sharp End. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 27(1), 1–20.

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Improving Team Collaboration in Patient Transfer Processes by Co-Workers’ Perceptions and Suggestions

Lilly-Mari Sten, Pernilla Ingelsson, Ingela Bäckström, Marie Häggström
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